Legal information Is a site published by the company
Be Lounge, SAS, registered under SIRET number 53924984700036.

Be Lounge

Legal representative: David Istas, manager of the company Be Lounge. Address: 8 Imp. Pythagore ZAC of, 13127 Vitrolles Phone: 04 42 15 21 66 **Email: **

Website designer

Studio HBDC -

WoW Agency - Address: 2 Chemin de la Chaîne, 13009 Marseille Phone: 06 50 68 68 96 Email:

Website host

Webflow: 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

Intellectual property

We inform you that any total or partial reproduction or representation, by any process whatsoever, of this site, logos, images that may appear on it is prohibited without the express authorization of Be Lounge.

Photo credits