Vente de structures évènementielles

Si vous avez été séduit par l'esthétique de nos tentes au détour d'un événement, ces dernières sont également disponibles à la vente. Agrandissez vos espaces réceptifs et donnez une toute autre dimension à vos extérieurs, tout en les sublimant avec élégance. Non seulement vous valorisez votre exploitation, mais vous réalisez également un achat judicieux, garantissant un retour sur investissement significatif sur le long terme.

Return to

Offer a new perspective to your spaces and benefit from a rapid return on investment.

Elegance &

Invest in a modular structure that brings an undeniable touch of elegance over the long term.


Take advantage of a quick and easy installation, accompanied by careful monitoring to ensure the maintenance of your structure.

Capacity of

Increase your accommodation capacity considerably by making full use of your outdoor spaces.

To nature

Create a real cocoon in the heart of nature and enjoy all the seasons.


Forget expensive buildings and choose a practical, economical and profitable solution.

Your tailor-made purchase

Our offers of orangeries and “CTS” approved tents comply with all French standards in force for the reception of the public. Acquire a lodge or a so-called “stretch” canvas and enjoy luxurious sustainable homes or extensions, fully customizable according to your desires!

Why opt to buy

As the official importer and distributor of the renowned South African manufacturer, Tentickle and with over 7,000 tent installations under our belt, we have become specialists in the design of nomadic tents. 
Opting for our tents offers new perspectives to your spaces as well as a quick return on investment by considerably increasing your accommodation capacity. You will thus have the opportunity to create a real connection to nature by offering welcoming spaces without resorting to construction.
Request a quote

The guarantee of excellence

By buying your structure at Be Lounge, we guarantee excellence. Each location being unique, our team uses its expertise to offer you a completely tailor-made and personalized solution according to your specific needs.
By choosing our tents, you are investing in quality and sustainability, because in addition to ensuring a quick return on investment, our tents are designed for an estimated lifespan of between 8 and 15 years. You can therefore be certain of the sustainability of your investment.

150 clients satisfaits par leur acquisition
30 contrats de maintenance annuelle
17 chefs de projets formés CTS en France

vous ?

Recognized expertise
The best grammage on the market
Is there an after-sales service?